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ECAP. Presentation (with F. Berdini): The Social Learning Pathway to Moral Responsibility.



Aegina Summer School on Social Cognition 2020 - "Social Emotions". Presentation: Behavioural and neural effects of outcome valence and fear of missing out on the sense of control (Poster)  (Cancelled).



Annual Congress 2020 - Canadian Philosophical Association. Presentation (with F. Berdini): The Social Learning Pathway to Moral Responsibility  (Postponed).



AISC. Presentation: Corrective Responsibility for Habitual Actions (Postponed).



SINe-INS Conference: New Ways of Investigating the Brain. Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Presentation: Corrective Responsibility for Habitual Actions (Postponed).



Workshop, SOPHIA. University of Salzburg. Presentation: Rethinking Responsibility.



Oberseminar, Praktische Philosophie und Ethik. Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Presentation: Corrective Responsibility for Habitual Actions.



Norms & Biases in Social Interactions. Institute of Philosophy, Warburg Institute, LMU Munich, Royal Holloway, University of London, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. Presentation: Sense of Control Under Epistemic Uncertainty (Poster).



Autonomy, Norms, and Emotional Attunement, Università degli Studi di Milano. Presentation: Freedom and Autonomy.



The Future of Neuroethics (Conferenza della Società Italiana di Neuroetica). Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Presentation: Picking and Choosing. An ERP Study of the Neural Correlates of Meaningless and Meaningful Actions.  



Metacognition, Consciousness, Agency. Università di Barcellona. Presentation: An Empirically-Based Model of Action Control.



The 2nd International Conference on Neuroscience and Free Will. Chapman University, Orange County (California). Presentation: Picking and Choosing. An ERP Study of the Neural Correlates of Meaningless and Meaningful Actions (Poster).



New Ideas in Volition. Institut d'Études Avancées de Paris/École Normale Supérieure. Presentation:  What is Special about Intentional Action?



Lehrstuhl für Philosophy of Mind, Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Presentation: Sense of Control under Epistemic Uncertainty.



Azione e Omissione. Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia. Presentation: Agire o non Agire. Fra Filosofia e Scienze Cognitive.



Convegno: Conferenza della Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA). Università del Piemonte Orientale. Presentation: Moral Responsibility. A Two-Tier Account.



Seminario: New Perspectives & Methods on Social Cognition. Institute of Philosophy, Warburg Institute, LMU Munich, Royal Holloway, University of London, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. Presentation: Two Modes of Third-Party Judgment: Neural Correlates of Evaluating Responsibility and Intention in Action and Omission Scenarios (Poster).



Neuroethics Re-mapping the Field (Conferenza della Società Italiana di Neuroetica). Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Presentation: Two Modes of Third-Party Judgment: Neural Correlates of Evaluating Responsibility and Intention in Action and Omission Scenarios.



Agenti Morali, Agenti Politici. Seminario Permanente sulla Normatività Pratica. Presentation: Azioni e Intenzioni.



European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology. EWCN, Accademia Cusano, Bressanone. Presentation (with E. Kulakova): Two Modes of Third-Party Judgment: Neural Correlates of Evaluating Responsibility and Intention in Action and Omission Scenarios (Poster).



Neural Mechanisms. Università di Torino. Presentation: Commentary to Dr. Chiara Camilla Derchi (In un Batter d’Occhi: una Nuova Prospettiva Empirica sull’Azione Intenzionale).



Sense of Agency and Moral Responsibility. Université Catholique de Louvain. Presentation: Responsible Agency and Feeling of Control.



Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy. Duke University (North Carolina). Presentation (with E. Kulakova): The Dynamics of Moral Judgments (Poster).



Mind, Brain, and Body. A Neuroethical Perspective on Neuroscience and Society (Conferenza Società Italiana di Neuroetica), Università di Padova. Presentation: The Dynamics of Moral Judgments (Poster).



Neurophilosophy LunchTime Seminar. Università degli Studi di Milano. Presentation: Free Will and Mental Causation.



Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London. Presentation: The Dynamics of Moral Responsibility.



Gothenburg Biennial Responsibility Conference. Göteborgs Universitet. Presentation: Looking for a Middle Path Between Internalism and Externalism about Responsibility.



Causality in the Sciences of the Mind and Brain. Aarhus University. Presentation: What Counts as Mental Causation? Between Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience.



The Emotional and the Rational Brain. Frontiers in Neuroethics (Conferenza Società Italiana di Neuroetica). Ente: Università di Padova. Presentation: Beyond Self-Serving Bias: Diffusion of Responsibility Reduces Sense of Agency and Outcome Monitoring.



Neuroscience at Societal Scales: an Expert Workshop. Institut d'Études Avancées de Paris. Presentation: Proportionality in Justice. Neuroscientific Perspectives on a Contentious Cultural Product.



Responsabilità. Seminario Permanente sulla Normatività Pratica. Presentation: Responsabilità Morale. Aspetti del Compatibilismo Contemporaneo.



Icone 2, 2ª Conferência Internacional de Neuroética. Instituto de Bioética - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto. Presentation: Neuroscience and Neuroethics. From Description to Prescription?



Chi Sente Cosa? La Neuroetica tra Cervello, Mente e Coscienza (Conferenza Società Italiana di Neuroetica). Ente: Università di Padova. Presentation: Free Will Scepticism and Neuroscientific Results.



Reductionism and Antireductionism about Agency. Università Roma Tre. Presentation: Flickers of Moral Responsibility.



Conferenza della Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA). Università dell’Aquila. Presentation: Is Event-Causal Compatibilism Self-Sufficient? Moral Responsibility and the Agential Perspective.



Workshop on Free Will and Moral Responsibility. Università degli Studi di Pavia. Presentation: The Limits of Control. Internalism and Externalism in the Debate on Moral Responsibility.



San Raffaele Spring School of Philosophy. Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Presentation: Compatibilism, Agency and the First-Person Perspective.



Oficinas de Filosofia Analítica 10. Universidade de Lisboa. Presentation: Moral Responsibility, Control and the Skeptical Challenge.



Naturalistic Approaches to Action, Mind and Value. York University, Toronto. Presentation: Free Will, Human Agency and Naturalism.



Università di Trento. Presentation: Cinema ed Esperienza Morale.


12-09-2012 al 15-09-2012

Conferenza della Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA). Università di Sassari. Presentation:  Strawsonian and Frankfurtian approaches. Questions about New Perspectives on Moral Responsibility.


Organisation of Academic Events


Permanent Seminar on Practical Normativity, 5th Edition (with C. Bagnoli, M. Bocchiola, E. Ceva, C. Del Bo', A. E. Galeotti). Formal and Implicit Rules and Bias. Speakers: Prof. Cristina Bicchieri (University of Pennsylvania), Dr Laura A. Martin (Columbia University), Temi Ogunye (London School of Economics), Federico Bina (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele).



The Moral Psychology of Moral Responsibility (with N. Heinzelmann), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft; Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge. Invited speakers: Prof. Mario De Caro (Università Roma Tre; Tufts University), Prof. Monika Betzler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Prof. Richard Holton (University of Cambridge), Dr. Paulina Sliwa (University of Cambridge), Prof. Gregg D. Caruso (SUNY), Dr. Joshua Shepherd (Carleton University); Dr. Frederike Beyer (Queen Mary, University of London).



Summer school (with Ophelia Deroy): Experimental Methods for Philosophy. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Venice International University. Instructors: Prof. Ophelia Deroy (LMU), Dr. Justin Sulik (LMU), Dr. Bahador Bahrami (LMU), Dr. Sofia Bonicalzi (LMU), Dr. Isabelle Garzorz (LMU).



Summer school (with Ophelia Deroy): The Perception/Cognition Divide,  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Venice International University. Invited speakers: Prof. Ned Block (New York University), Prof. Barry Smith (Institute of Philosophy, University of London), Prof. Stephen Sellmaier (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Prof. Albert Newen (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).



Human Mind Conference, The Human Mind Project, School of Advanced Study, University of London; Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge. Main organizer: Dr. Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London), Prof. Tim Crane (University of Cambridge). Invited speakers: Prof. Huda Akil (University of Michigan), Prof. Robyn Carston (University College London), Prof. Andy Clark (University of Edinburgh), Prof. John-Dylan Haynes (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Prof. Frances Egan (Rutgers University), Prof. Chris Frith (University College London), Prof. Philip Gerrans (University of Adelaide), Prof. Patrick Haggard (University College London; Institute of Philosophy, University of London; École Normale Supérieure), Prof. Cecilia Heyes (University of Oxford), Prof. Richard Holton (University of Cambridge), Prof. Bob Kentridge (Durham University), Prof. Mike Martin (University of Oxford), Prof. Uta Noppeney (University of Birmingham), Prof. Lucy O’Brien (University College London), Prof. Anil Seth (University of Sussex), Prof. Uta Frith (University College London), Prof. Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen; University of Oxford). Organizzazione: Dr. Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London), Prof. Tim Crane (University of Cambridge).



Interdisciplinarity and the Mind. The Human Mind Project, School of Advanced Study, University of London; Durham University. Main organizer: Dr. Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London).



Creativity & The Mind, The Human Mind Project, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Main organizer: Dr. Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London).



Agency, Morals and the Mind (with Mattia Gallotti). Ente: The Human Mind Project, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Invited speakers: Dr. Molly Crockett (Yale University), Prof. Patrick Haggard (University College London; Institute of Philosophy, University of London; École Normale Supérieure), Prof. Scott Atran (University of Oxford), Prof. Lucy O’Brien (University College london), Prof. Richard Holton (University of Cambridge), Prof. Emma Flynn (Durham University), Prof. Catherine Wilson (University of York), Prof. Steve Fuller (University of Warwick), Dr. Keith Jensen (University of Manchester).



Emotion, Memory & the Mind, The Human Mind Project, School of Advanced Study, University of London; Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at the University of Sussex. Main organizer: Dr. Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London).



Brain Systems and Legal Systems: Setting Translational Research Agendas for Law, Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences (with P. Haggard, L. Claydon), University College London, Open University, The British Academy. Invited speakers: Prof. Daniel Dennett (Tufts University), Prof. Mario De Caro (Università Roma Tre; Tufts University), Prof. Barry Smith (Institute of Philosophy, University of London).



Workshop on Free Will and Moral Responsibility (with S. Marcone), Università degli Studi di Pavia. Invited speakers: Prof. Luca Fonnesu (Università degli Studi di Pavia), Prof. Clotilde Calabi (Università degli Studi di Milano), Prof. Sergio Filippo Magni (Università degli Studi di Pavia), Prof. Gianfranco Mormino (Università degli Studi di Milano).



Workshop on Ethics (with L. Caffo), Università degli Studi di Milano. Invited speakers: Prof. Carla Bagnoli (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Prof. Mario De Caro (Università Roma Tre, Tufts University), Dr. Luciana Ceri (Università degli Studi di Firenze).

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